
Welcome to Playthroughline! Regardless of how you found your way over here, the content of this blog assumes you have a healthy interest in videogames, or more specifically, the design thereof. With a strong focus on story and narrative and how these concepts are linked to gameplay (or how they unfortunately are not), I aim to collate my thoughts and impressions here. Naturally, this will not preclude me from branching out to other topics as well.

The title is a combination of two terms: playthrough and throughline. A playthrough is a gaming session from the beginning of the story to its conclusion, though not necessarily a continuous one. A throughline is generally regarded as the spine of a story in the field of narratology. As such the title combines my interest in both games and story and segues nicely into the field of Narrative Design. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank my good friend Matei "Ambient.Impact" Stanca. When I mentioned to him that I had the intention of starting up a blog, he graciously offered to not only host one on his server, but to adapt and tailor it as well. He designed the look and then fitted in the scripts I eventually decided to add. These Short Scripts now benefit from a very authentic format, in part derived from those on The Editing Room. I'd like to thank the site's founder as well for not being too pissed off with me being inspired by his approach. There's already a fair bit of content here, including a couple of posts on Narrative Design and three Short Scripts, with a fourth ready and waiting to be released at the opportune time. So take a look around, and don't hesitate to leave a comment.


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